Our Business Model

Our Approach

We seek to make a collective team in each location, working in a collective and collaborative manner, seeking to ensure the derelict and former economic engines of society are brought back to use – providing for sustainable, productive, local food and modern commerce – growing the products of tomorrow in the buildings of yesterday. growing the products of tomorrow in the buildings of yesterday.

We follow an impact economic approach, focused on supporting the attainment of sustainable development goals, while also providing for a maximum local community involvement and growth

We seek to ensure that each location we work with has four common elements:

Our Goals

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Our impact

For us, this is more than just about transforming old buildings; it is about creating sustainable livelihoods and changing the fundamental local economics one location at a time.  Part of our view is that ‘energy’ is a fundamental component of life – not just a means to drive our cars or heat our water and homes.

We are asking ourselves some basic economic questions and seeking innovative and people-centric solutions – for instance, if the population of the planet continues to expand, we see an increasing need to compete for ‘basic resources.’ Do we grow food for people or crops for fuel for cars?

We think that by ensuring our locations and buildings are sustainable – in a broad sense – we will be able to do both – feed the planet while decreasing reliance on energy for fuel, and land and water to grow food stuffs.

We have used this thinking to develop our socio-economic impact model, which is used to develop, grow and evaluate our work at all stages.  We truly believe that the SDGs are achievable. 

Are we the vanguard of a new growing revolution? No. Do we think we have a concept and approach which can support and help the planet and people live fuller, healthier lives? Yes.

Our projects

We are revitalising the built environment, one derelict location at a time, take a look at our projects section to see some examples.

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